Campus Procedures
- Move safely to your nearest evacuation area (in yellow). Move at least 50 feet from any structure. The Quad is NOT an evacuation area. Building Marshals will help guide you to the proper evacuation areas.
- When an alarm sounds
- Stop whatever you’re doing
- Turn off, or close the container of anything potentially hazardous if you can
- Grab your personal possessions quickly
- DO NOT WAIT! Walk to the nearest exit
- If your nearest exit is blocked, move immediately to another exit
- If you can’t walk to evacuation, consider the following:
- Ask for assistance
- If help is not available, go to the nearest stairwell (preferably exterior) that has doors that close and can isolate you from the interior of the building.
- Tell a Building Marshal that you are in need of assistance or call 911 to notify CSUF PD.
Classroom/Syllabus: Faculty
- Include evacuation routes in course syllabus
- Remind students of evacuation routes out of room
- Take personal belongings and immediately leave the building
- Know the emergency exits and evacuation areas for every classroom
- Do not allow anyone to remain in the room during an evacuation
- Offer assistance if needed
- Guide students to the proper evacuation area at least 50 feet from buildings
- On The First Day of the Semester:
- Know the emergency exits and evacuation areas for every classroom.
- Review the course syllabus for emergency information.
- Devise "buddy systems" so everyone is accounted for in an evacuation.
- Evaluate the challenges that you might face during an evacuation.
- Program the CSUF Emergency Information number, (877) 278-1717, in your cell phone to hear recorded information regarding campus conditions or closures.
Building Marshals
- Building Marshals: Building Marshals assist university students, staff, and faculty during building evacuations and enhance the safety on campus.
Training Resources:
Annual training is required for all CSUF Building Marshals. In addition to in-person training, the review and understanding of the attached presentations will fulfill the annual training requirement.
The Office - Training Video
(optional video)
Herding Cats
(optional video)
Building Marshal Training
Crowd Tactics
Disability Etiquette
The Office - Training Video
- Everyone with Radios: Questions? Contact (657) 278-2515.
Emergency Operations Plan
- This report contains the Introduction, Index, Part One and the Basic Plan to the University Emergency Operations Plan
- The following parts of the Emergency Operations Plan are available in the Emergency Operation Center.
- Part Two: Hazard Identification and Analysis
- Part Three: EOC Position Checklists
- Part Four: Emergency Operations Procedures (EOPS)
- Part Five: Functional Annexes
- Part Six: EOC Disaster Recovery Operations
- Appendices
Questions? Contact (657) 278-2515.
Business Continuity Plan
Each Plan Must Consider:
- PLANNING PERSONNEL: Who in your department is responsible for coordinating the planning process?
- IDENTIFYING ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: What is your department's essential function and who is responsible for keeping this updated?
- IDENTIFY PRIMARY FUNCTIONS, then determine their priority, how long you could operate without this function, who is dependent upon this function and what departments have function upon which YOUR DEPARTMENT depends?
- DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY: What is the line of authority in your department, what limitations on delegation exist? This is often listed by position/title.
- FACILITIES: Identify ALL of your department's facilities and their essential functions. This is vitally important if you would have to temporarily move operations to another location.
- PERSONNEL AND FUNCTION: What essential functions do your department's staff perform and is telecommuting or on-line teaching a possibility?
- VITAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT: List your department's vital records, where and how they are kept and who is responsible for their update and/or back up. Consider off-site and/or cloud locations.
- COMMUNICATIONS: Determine how everyone in your department will communicate. Include various ways to plan for a variety of disruptions and include times for business hours and off hours.
- SERVICE PROVIDERS: What services do you currently have that are provided by an outside contractor? How will these services be continued during disasters and are their alternates available?
- NOTIFICATION: Who do you want to be notified during disasters? Make sure these groups are included in the Campus Business Continuity Plan.
- CONTINUITY STAFF: For situations up to 30 DAYS, your department may only be able to provide essential function. Determine which individuals are responsible for maintaining or resuming essential functions. Depending on the situation, these individuals may have to report to an alternate location.
Don't wait for a disaster to strike before you set up your department's continuity plan.
Questions? Contact (657) 278-2515.