Personal Preparedness

What you need in Emergencies
Item Description
Container Duffel bag, backpack, plastic container or any item to store supplies.
Water Water is the most important item in your kit. You can live up to three weeks without food but barely three days without water. One gallon per person, per day is the recommended amount.
Food Choose food that will last wherever you store it. Food stored outside will need to be more robust. Choose food that you really like!

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Medical Supplies Kits do not need to be complicated. Pack gauze pads, roller or triangular bandages and an adhesive. Additional items can include antihistamines, ibuprofen, insect repellent and sunscreen.
Comfort Items Have a change of clothes including something warm, comfortable shoes and extra socks. Games or books may help pass the time if you’re stranded.
Communication During a disaster or major incident, communication may be disrupted. Make sure you have a list of important phone numbers. Have a mutual out of state contact with whom everyone can check in.
Tools At a minimum, have one knife in your emergency kit. A can opener, scissors, flashlight and batteries are important too.
Pets Besides the essentials of food and water, make sure you have a leash, collar, bedding and toys. Having an up to date vaccine record will be very useful if you need to check your pet into an animal shelter.
Special Needs Whether short or long-term, if you need something for your life-support, remember to include them in your emergency kit.
Plan Make a simple plan that all family members can follow. Arrange for a single out of state contact for everyone to call and report. Practice the plan so that everyone knows where to meet and exit your home.