Candidate Expenses

Description: To request approval for On-Campus Interview Candidates Expenses. Refer to the Travel Policy for Non-Employees (Formerly Guest Travel)PDF File Opens in new window .

NEW Information!


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  • Step 1:

    Complete the Authorization for On-Campus Interview Expense FormPDF File Opens in new window and obtain required signatures. 

    660042 - Staff Recruitment
    660840 - Faculty Recruitment (including candidate's meals)
    660842 - Faculty Recruitment (interview committee meals with candidate)

    Signatures: Division Head (VP/Designee) signature is required if the "Total Estimated Expenses and/or the Authorized Amount Not to Exceed” is greater than the maximum approval amount in the Delegation of Authority for the Dean/Administrator or may be required for your Division.

  • Step 2:

    Prior to the interview date(s), submit signed original Authorization for On-Campus Interview Expense FormPDF File Opens in new window to Travel Operations (CP-300) for processing. A document number will be assigned and emailed to preparer after review. 

    Effective February 2019, the Authorization for On-Campus Interview Expense Form is only for the candidate’s allowable travel expenses. The interview committee meals with the on-campus candidate was removed from the Authorization for On-Campus Interview Expense Form. Link for the Interview Committee Meals with the On-Campus Candidate is

    Meals with On-Campus Candidate InformationPDF File Opens in new window

  • STEP 3:

    If the candidate is claiming reimbursement, the candidate must submit an online Payee/Vendor Data Record FormOpens in new window .  Complete a Travel Expense ClaimPDF File Opens in new window . The candidate must sign the Travel Expense Claim before departing campus (candidate's original signature is required).

    If the candidate is not claiming any reimbursement, write N/A in the claimant’s signature box on the Travel Expense ClaimPDF File Opens in new window .

    If any candidate’s allowable travel expenses are charged to a Procurement Card, a copy of the itemized receipt showing proof of payment must be submitted with the candidate’s Travel Expense ClaimPDF File Opens in new window .

  • STEP 4:

    Submit approved Travel Expense ClaimPDF File Opens in new window and required receipts to Travel Operations (CP-300) for processing within 60 days of the candidates departure. For international candidates, submit a copy of their passport.

Cancellation: If the interview was cancelled and no travel expenses were paid by the University or charged to a Procurement Card, email to cancel the Authorization form (include the name of the candidate, document number, a brief explanation and a statement that no expenses were paid by the University or charged to a Procurement Card.